Choc Tahini Date Slice

We’re officially thinking about picnics and can confidently say this vegan, no-bake slice would go down well al fresco.
Green coconut curry

This green coconut curry offers sweetness, saltiness and heat in every mouthful. We’ve used pumpkin and green beans here, but you could add any veg that needs eating.
Adas Bil Hamoud – Lemony Lentil Soup

Versions of Adas Bil Hamoud are made all over the Arab world, it’s undoubtedly one of our new favourites!
Speculaas Christmas Cookies

Speculaas are traditionally eaten in the Netherlands around Sinterklaas during the first week of December. They’re delicious all year round, though, perfect for snacking on or serving as a spiced crisp spoon for ice cream. Happy feasting to all who celebrate on the 6th!
Kimchi Toastie

This kimchi toastie was inspired by a lunch Lester (one-half of CERES’ IT department) had on Tuesday. He whipped up his toastie using CERES sourdough, kimchi, mozzarella and mayo – we added some sesame seeds for good measure.
Torta di Nocciole – Hazelnut Cake

Nocciola del Piemonte is a variety of hazelnut that grows in the Piemont region of Italy. We source our hazelnuts from Pepo Farms in Northern Victoria, but they taste just as good (maybe even better). This cake is a subtly sweet, earthy celebration of those hazelnuts.