Parsnip and Cauliflower Soup

We’re unsure how we’ve made it this far into winter without a new soup recipe… Luckily last week, fellow Fair Fooder Shell suggested this parsnip and cauliflower number with warming spices and crunchy pumpkin seeds – thanks for the yummy tip-off!
Ultimate Vegan Ragù

Sometimes you just need a spag bol or spag bol equivalent. This recipe delivers an incredible punch of umami flavour that will satisfy vegans and meat-eaters alike.
Braised Zucchini with Cannellini Beans

This recipe was inspired by some zonked zucchinis, a lemon on its last legs and a wilty bunch of dill. It’s very-very-yummy-yummy! We’ve made it multiple times this week!
Green coconut curry

This green coconut curry offers sweetness, saltiness and heat in every mouthful. We’ve used pumpkin and green beans here, but you could add any veg that needs eating.
Adas Bil Hamoud – Lemony Lentil Soup

Versions of Adas Bil Hamoud are made all over the Arab world, it’s undoubtedly one of our new favourites!
Spring Asparagus Pasta

The spring sun is (finally) coming out, and with it comes lighter meals and simpler flavours – this pasta is precisely that. Its delicate and silky profile is the perfect environment for mingling asparagus and mint.