Immunity Cubes

Shop Ingredients
Serves 6


Mixed citrus – we used orange, tangelo, grapefruit, mandarin and lemon
Fresh Turmeric and ginger
Apple cider vinegar


Last year, aptly named Clementine, shared these cubes of immune boosting goodness and this year we’re making it a tradition! It’s an excellent way to use up extra citrus you might have to hand.

Still got citrus? We’ve got more ideas to use up the glut here!

Immune Boosting Cubes

To make, freeze little ice trays of blended peeled citrus (we did oranges, grapefruit, lemon, tangelo), fresh turmeric and ginger (lots of it), black pepper, a little splash of apple cider vinegar and we had a pomegranate that needed using so we popped that in too. Strain through a not-too-fine sieve to remove any bulky bits and chuck in the freezer.

On days where you’re feeling a little flat or like you’re coming down with something, boil the kettle, chuck an ice cube of this and a spoon of honey in a mug and add boiling water. Stir to combine everything well, sip and enjoy.

This recipe is by Clementine Day









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